Jazz MYOB ( Make Your Own Bundle )

Know About Jazz 4G MYOB ( Make Your Own Bundle ) Offers

You have arrived to the right place if you are seeking for Jazz 4G MYOB(Make your Own Bundle) . You may learn more about the most recent Jazz 4G bundles on this website, which is a good one for you to subscribe to. I’d like to give you a little introduction to Jazz Super 4G first. Pakistan’ Best Cellular Network Jazz In this fast-paced world of technology and connectivity, the internet has become a necessity as it enables you to connect with others with just a few clicks. Now you do not especially have to get a line internet connection because Jazz brings you the best internet packages at your fingertips. Jazz has a long history of being the most reliable cellular network for the last 25 years.


Mobilink was founded in 1994 now it is know as JAZZ. It stayed under this name for many years and changed to Mobilink Jazz. In 2017, after the merger of Mobilink and Warid, it was rebranded officially to Jazz. As of the 2020 record, Jazz has massive 63 million users in Pakistan, and 18.2 million among them are 4G users. Jazz also launched its subsidiary under the name, Jazz Cash, which has nearly 8 million registered users. Jazz Cash is a virtual banking app that allows you to transfer and receive money just via the app. They have been on the top of their game by providing integrated communication solutions and digital value-added services to the people of Pakistan. Jazz has been the first to launch an SMS service and now has gone a step ahead with the fast internet servic

As Jazz Offers its customers with different packages, this time they are offering their customers Prepaid Jazz MYOB ( Make Your Own Bundle ) . This bundle offers jazz customers how many MBs or GBs, jazz, warid minutes, and mins for all other local networks and SMS they want to use daily, weekly, and monthly. After describing the Jazz MYOB ( Make Your Own Bundle )  bundle customer will get the amount of the subscription and after confirmation, the subscription fee will be deducted from the customer’s account. Internet offers can be subscribed and consumed in 2G/3G/4G networks areas. The validity of this bundle is 1day,7 days, and 30 days.
The subscription fee for this bundle is up to customers in all the cities in Pakistan. The Price to charge after the confirmation of the customer. The subscription code for this Bundle is *303#. To check the bundle status for 1-day dial *303*1#.To check the bundle status for 7days dial *303*7#.To check the bundle status for 30 days dial *303*30#. To check remaining MB’s and validity, dial the bundle status code for Rs. 0.06.
I hope by all this Information you might have got the idea about the jazz Make your own bundle. For further details you can use jazz helpline, just contact 111 from your mobile, SMS Chat, Social Media, or Fax 042 111 301 301 from any phone.
Package Name Data Jazz Mins
MYOB(Make Your Own Bundle) Any Value Any Value
Other Network mins SMS Validity
Any Value Any Value 1, 7 and 30 Days
Subscription Fee Subscription Code Subscription Code for daily
As per customer selection
*303# *303*1#
Subscription Code for weekly Subscription Code for monthly
*303*7# *303*30#
Terms & Conditions:
  • Upon dialing *303#, the customer will select the desired validity (1,7 & 30 days) along with quota for each type of incentive i-e Jazz minutes, Other network minutes, MBs & SMS Jazz minutes can only be consumed on Jazz
  • The cumulative price of the bundle will be displayed to the customer after all incentive selections have been made.
  • The respective incentives will be posted in the subscriber’s account and the balance will be deducted accordingly.
  • The created bundles are non-recursive and customers will have to dial *303# again to avail of the bundle more than once.
  • The incentive of “Jazz make your own offer” from multiple subscriptions of the same validity bundles will not be added. Incentive quota from only the most recent subscription will be applicable. The remaining incentive from the previous subscription will not be carried forward.
  • With multiple subscriptions resulting in different validities, preference will be given first to daily, then weekly and lastly monthly validity for incentive consumption.
  • Customers can check the remaining incentive by dialing a string for the respective validity i.e. *303*1# for daily validity, *303*7# for weekly validity and *303*30# for monthly validity.
  • All free minutes will be posted at the time of subscription and will expire at 23:59 hours of the last calendar day of the selected validity.
  • Call set up fee is applicable.
  • Internet offers can be subscribed and consumed in 2G/3G/4G networks areas.
  • Overage of Rs.1.2/MB applies for all mobile internet bundles.
  • Actual internet speed will depend on multiple factors like sim, device, web pages accessed, time of day, number of simultaneous users, distance from 2G/3G/4G site etc.
  • If you are not subscribed to any bundle base rate will be charged i.e. Rs. 5/MB. Charging pulse will be 512 KB.

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